Now I am surrounded by palms not pines, and ocean instead of mountains. Now I rarely live for the moment always thinking about how everything I do all day will affect the permanent development of three humans beings, that have been entrusted in my care. No biggie... Always thinking about having enough money and resourses for tomorrow and planning each waking minute to make sure I get every thing I need to do, done. Such different days.
I don't even feel like the same person, some days. But as I felt the trembling of longing in my heart for my land and that landscape and that carefree place in my past I felt the girl I was then face the woman I am now and say,
" You can do this Brook. The carefree spunky spirit you were then keeps you balanced in the often heavy task at hand. The girl who grew up learning to camp can make peace with a country where there are always ants on the counter tops, no matter how clean they are, and the solid oak trees and steady tall pines have taken root in your soul. You are as strong as they are, because your roots are solid. You can do this."
Just a minute to experience 'my' nature, and see 'my' land reminds me who I really am, and where I come from, and even though I miss it, it gives me strength to catch all the good that is coming to my life in a foriegn land, and release any angst that keeps me from doing what I am down here to do.
Love you Utah and everyone there... someday I will be back
PS Cris, you could look like Jenifer Garner... what do you think?