Thursday, December 20, 2007


Hope is an interesting thing. I am thinking about it because I think I am losing it. When I was younger I used to hope for a bright future. At different times I hoped for different things. I remember a time that I hoped to be a best selling author who lived alone in Park City and had a bare skin rug. Later I hoped for a happy marriage. That hope came true. I hoped for a certain life, with my wonderful husband, some kids, a house.... You know the usual stuff. Lately I have been thinking, so what do I hope for. I hope for a visa that will take us home. I hope that my husband will be present at the birth of his next child. I hope that Eva will someday sleep through the night, like she used to before we moved to Mexico. I hope that Justino's cousin will come from Florida and bring us Eva's crib to increase the chances of her sleeping through the night, because I have determined that she is too big for her porta-crib, that coupled with the bugs that eat her while she sleeps, are the reasons that she wakes up five times a night, and barely naps in the day. I hope that if we ever get back to the states, that we will be able to build a life there, and it won't matter that we are light years behind other people our age. Who all have houses, and careers and lots of children, and all the other things I used to hope for.

Why suddenly am I doubtful that any of this going to happen. I believe that it is all possible. I don't think they are such outrageous things that I hope for, but in a new way, like never before in my life, I wonder if they will happen. I worry that they wont. I don't know what that says about me. I guess I just grew up believing that I could have anything I was willing to work for. For the first time I don't feel like there is anything I can do to make my hopes come true. Maybe pray. But hasn't God already decided if we are going to stay here or not. We ask him unceasingly to send us back to the states, and to send us a job until we get there, but he hasn't done either one yet. I feel so powerless over the future that I always hoped for. SO maybe I am discovering as I write this that my hope was in the wrong thing, my ability to achieve what I want to have in my life.

Oh the things I am learning being in a place I didn't hope to come to. It isn't really being here that is hard. I mean tonight they closed the street, and the music was huge and beautiful and the weather was warm, and the neighbor had hung balloon across the street. And there was dancing and candy for the kids and festive Mexican "ponche" ( a hot drink, lots of fruit boiled with cinnamon sticks and sugar) that I love, and in the middle of it, I thought, what is my problem. I love this country. I do love this country. I wouldn't mind living in a part of it that had at least one Chinese restaurant and a book store or two, but I love this people. I love this culture, I love that my daughters first words have been Spanish words. I love so much of this life that we live here.

So what I am complaining about? I don't even know. I just know that I hope differently than I used to. I guess I used to hope for things and I hadn't lived anything that made me think that it might not come true. Suddenly that seems like a possibility. That scares me. What do you hope for?


Jennifer said...

I was coming on here to see how you were doing. I hadn't heard from you since I last emailed you, and I wanted to check in and see how you were doing. I hope you are feeling well - pregnancy wise.

You know, I too used to hope for a happy marriage, the house, picket fence (ok my wish was for a HUGE horse farm - but it still had a house on it, LOL) kids the whole nine yards. But my life has taken a different turn. I am happily married to a wonderful man, even though he gets on my last nerves, and drives me crazy, I love his with all that I am. I have wonderful children, who also drive me absolutely crazy, but I love them with all that I am. When he went back to Honduras the first time, and then again this time I thought, why me? Why can't things just go right for me, for once. When is it my time. My time to be happy, and for it to be about me. (because I am always doing for everyone else, and I feel like no one ever does for me). Then I realized that it has always been about me. My children give me joy. My husband loves me. I just had to change how I looked at things. And I still get that way - where I get depressed and say Lord, why does it never go my way. Why is it that my husband has to be thousands of miles away. And it is hard. And when we go to Honduras it will still be hard. Probably even more so. But I have learned that I have to just take everything that is given to me as a blessing. Even when I don't realize its a blessing. I constantly tell myself, this too shall pass. I told my mother I was going to get that tattooed on me, LOL.

After all, I will have a house, and tons of land, and animals. Just not here in the US.

For now, my hope is that the remaining time I have here in the US will pass quickly, and that my husband can hang in there. I hope that tax season is as good as it has been these past two years so that I can make enough money to get myself and everything that I need down there.

I know it is hard for you, especially being pregnant, and worried about your family. Just know that you are in my prayers. I will pray that you can be at peace with whatever God has planned for you - wether it be there in Mexico, or here in the US. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always email me.

jill or jay said...

There is a box of books heading your way. Keep your eyes peeled for it. I have no idea how long it takes to get down there but I mailed it on December 18th. I "hope" you have a wonderful holiday season. Also, I found this quote you might like....

"Hope is not the expectation that things will turn out well,
but the conviction that something is worth working for,
however it turns out." ~ Vaclav

jill or jay said...

There is a box of books heading your way. Keep your eyes peeled for it. I have no idea how long it takes to get down there but I mailed it on December 18th. I "hope" you have a wonderful holiday season. Also, I found this quote you might like....

"Hope is not the expectation that things will turn out well,
but the conviction that something is worth working for,
however it turns out." ~ Vaclav Hamel

sarah k. said...

Hi Brook Ann, thanks for your comment on my blog! I haven't read any of your posts through yet... I'm feeling overwhelmed by life right now, but I can tell by skimming that you are too! How long have you been in Mexico? I lived in Cuernavaca when I was 5. My dad started a school for violin making in Mexico City, so we were there for a year. My poor mom was 31 with 4 kids 6 and under, including my brother, who was 8 months. His first words were Spanish, too.

Sometimes, I really wish I could move with my little family to another country, just so the kids could grow up knowing there's a wide world out there, with different cultures that are no less valid than our own.

At the same time, I know how hard it is. I mean, I don't really know, because it wasn't very hard for me as a 5 year old, but I'm surprised my mom survived it. She didn't speak Spanish, and my dad was never home, not that that would have made a difference.

Anyway, I think it's wonderful that even though it's so hard, you are thinking of it as an adventure. I'm pretty sure the adventure never ends...