So here we are the long awaited date, and do you believe it? NO NEWS FROM THE GOVERNMENT! Typical, really, but still disappointed. I have been so depressed this week, really bitter, angry, beyond sad, is more descriptive and accurate. I don't know if you noticed that I didn't even write a top ten last week. But here we go again, I think I have surfaced enough to muster the positivity to write this again, so her goes...10. On Mon the 23 I went to the red cross here and they took out an ingrown toenail that I have had for months. I looked into having it done in the states while I was home, and it costs hundreds of dollars with no insurance, so I thought I could stick it out. Not so much It was a little more aggressive here, but it cost 7 dollars, 70 pesos, NO PROBLEM!!
9. Two Sundays ago they out Jusitno in the bishopric. They interviewed him during sacrament meeting and sustained him ten minutes later. The stake president said that in other wards often a lot of prayer and fasting is needed because so many people could do the job, but he laughed as he said that in our small branch the choice is so obvious, that no prayer is required, and said he was sorry that the counselors kept leaving the stand. After every one thrilled, and I was angry. No one asked me if I would give away my husband for MORE church work, as if a stake calling and four ward callings wasn't enough, he didn't get released from any others, by the way, He took me home and spent the whole day at the church. I prayed and swore at God, and told him how angry I was with Him, He sent me to the scriptures and D and C 100 comforted me. Especially when it says that Zion is chastised for a time but will be redeemed, or something like that, it means we will be home someday.
8. I also got the feeling that I need to make my life more conducive to it being just me and Eva, so we rigged some gates around the stairs so that she can crawl outside and not die, and that has been really fun for her. She is still not walking, she stands alone, and takes a few steps but still
not walking, but really have you seen a cuter baby?
7. I got mad at Justino one day last week and so I ran away, and drove all the way to the beach by myself. It took an hour and a half, and I was triumphant that I knew the way and didn't get lost. It was very healing. I need to be alone. That baby never leaves my sight. I am a little sick of here, and her dad.
6. On the 24th I was said that I was missing the party, and wanting to feel American so we bought a dominoes pizza. It was fun.
6. On the 24th I was said that I was missing the party, and wanting to feel American so we bought a dominoes pizza. It was fun.
5. I went to the grocery store alone at 10p the other night to buy food. Another personal, all by myself, triumph. By the way that is not the time to shop here, I waited in line for like 30 minutes. When I go at 9 in the morning, there are no lines. Mexican are night owls.
4. This Sunday I cooked for the whole bishopric and their families, gotta love crock pots, we had chicken legs and frijoles charros. SO GOOD, I was really impressed with my Mexican cooking skills, so were the members. We ate at the church and then I went home. Justino was there until seven. The poor other counselor lives so far away that his family has to come and stay with him the whole day. I can't believe the way members sacrifice here. Church is so hot, that I rarely feel the spirit with sweat in my eyes, and I just sat there Sunday and thought about how nice the chapels are in Utah, and how close to home they are for every body. IF you live in Centerville you can throw a rock at your church. WOW I miss that.
3. After the marathon that is Sunday, Justino and I laid in bed all day and played with Eva and watched "Friends". At one point I turned to him and said, " Remember when we lived in Mexico and we laid in bed all day and watched friends and we were so sad and missing the states, and longing to work, don't you wish we could go back there?" We both had a teary cry and got some
2. The flea market on Thursday has been on my top ten lots before, but I LOVE it so much. This week I took pictures. Someday I am really going to miss Thursday mornings.
1. In the middle of writing this we had a HUGE thunder storm. The maids downstairs started yelling, they call me Justino, because they don't know my name, because I had clothes on the line. Jusitno is visiting his sister, with Eva, and I am having a break. In a panic I ran upstairs and took down the clothes. The water hadn't come yet but the thunder was shaking the building. I got the clothes down just in time, and then the biggest fattest wettest rain began to fall, and something old inside of me came alive. A part of me that has been stifled by adulthood, and motherhood, and third- world-country hood, and
I stood in the rain in my white night gown and gloried in the rain, until I was so wet that I slipped down the stairs to my apartment. It was like God had sent a cleanse for my truly troubled soul. I have been hurting so deeply, and he washed it all away. And for a minute I didn't have to wash by hand, or kill cockroaches, I was just me in the rain. And when it was all over, Brook Ann the Great was back.
oh Brook I feel so bad! I am glad you get those little moments of sunshine though! We are given all of our trials for a reason. Heavenly Father obviously trusts you a whole lot, and knows that you are capable of handling the things that come your way. We may not think so at the time, but he will provide a way. James and I were reading the scriptures together one time when we were going through a really hard time financially and we came to the scripture that says "Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail . ." I absolutly love it. I feel like the "little flock" is our family.
Know that you are in our prayers!
p.s the pictures of you enjoying the rain are awesome! Love it!
Dear Brook and Justino,
Gracias por el correo y las cosas que compartes en el. Me da felicidad que en medio de toda la catastrofe sientas el amor de Dios. Tienes toda la razon que los llamamientos en Mexico son mas demandantes y que la gente es mas nueva en el evangelio, por lo que se necesita de gente con mas experiencia para ensenarles. Sin embargo, creo que Justino debe ser muy prudente en disciplinarse para no descuidarlos como familia. No lo digo yo, lo dicen los lideres. Cualquier llamamiento sera quitado, excepto el de esposo y padre. Por otro lado, NO TODO MEXICO ES ASI!! jajajajjaja. Broma broma. Pero en verdad, no todo es asi. Asi no es donde me crie y asi es no es donde iremos a vivir cuando regresemos a Mexico. Los amo mucho y en verdad espero que sean felices. Por aca todo bien, Ema ya camina, Betel ya hace del bano en la nica y Rebe y Betel van a clases de balet y gimnasia, jajajajja. Las deberias de ver, se ven muy chistosas. A finales de Octubre Ingrid con las ninas andara en Mexico, yo ire para Navidad y nos regresamos juntos. No prometo nada, pero me encantaria verlos; luego platicamos de eso. En dos semanas iremos a Utah por lo de mi graduacion de la maestria. Mis papas vienen para eso, aunque estaran por aca por diez dias nadamas. Cuidense mucho y echenle ganas, SEAN FELICES. PS. Parece ser que Ingrid esta embarazada, por lo que seria del ultimo y parece ser que es nino. Los amo.
Saul, Ingrid, Rebeca, Betel y Ema
Con todo el amor y la amistad te deseo lo mejor. Sabes que de una manera o de otra, puedes sobrevivir en un pais extranjera. Llegaron alli al fines de enero y ya ha pasado unos 6 meses !!!
Perspectiva - lo que no tenga uno cuando lo necesita, y cuando lo tenga, no lo necesita.
Sepa que a lo mejor pueda volver ya pronto, pero si no hicieron convenios sagrados en la casa del senor y por medio de esos convenios pueden abrirse los cielos para darte poder, consolacion, y fuerza de mas que puedes imaginar. Ten presente el dia de su sellamiento cuando se arrodillaron, vestido de blanco, y hicieron los convenios que se concede la oportunidad de tener una familia, aun una familia eterna.
Un dicho que siempre me ha brindado algo de "stubbornness" es que el senor solo ha dicho que valera la pena, no que sera facil.
Te aprecio los correos electronicos y les quiero todo que el senor en su bondad concede darte.
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