Today Justino and I are celebrating our 5 year wedding aniversary. What a wonderful wild ride these five years have been. FOR REAL! If I would have know the journey that marrying him would be, I still would have married him. I am so grateful to be married to him. I dont know if I can say the same for having the kids, but Justino was the right choice for sure. ( Just Kidding about the kids... but seriously)
I have been wanting to blog for so long and it's been one of those things where I don't have time to do it perfect so I don't do it at all. Lame I know. So, still to come pictures of my house that is so great that it is nothing short of a MIRACLE, that I live in a house so completely furnished. I actually have a normal life. It's so cool, and wierd after the two years of limbo-hell we have endured. Also lots more details about life in Cancun. Things are good here, so good. So good that I am actually worried about what tragedy will fall on us this year. I do remember a time in my life when I didn't actually expect tragedy all the time. Could that homeostasis return? I can't imagine that.
By the way, this is the only family picture ever taken in the five years that Justino and I have been married. Jusitno and I both hate it because we both think we look fat. Let's be real, niether of us the most fit we have ever been. I wish Eva were looking at the camera, but Sammy looks good, don't you think?
oh Brookie, what a ride it has been. I'm glad things are looking up. You guys are super cute (I actually think you look great, I was thinking you are looking skinny). And oh youe kids gre more & more adorable every time I see them. Can't wait to see pics of your place & area. I really want to come visit. Loves to you
PS: Happy Anniversary!!! (duh on my part) :)
I think your picture is great! It's what you've got right! I love how happy you all look. I am so happy for you that you are all together again. I just want to kiss Sam! He is so cute, and BIG!
Happy Anniversary.
I hope things stay good for you. You deserve it.
BTW I LOVED the videos of Eva dancing and Sam laughing. His laugh was so contagious! My boys had fun watching them, and Hayden was excited to see Eva. Any time I mention Gavin to Hayden, like "We are going to see Gavin" Hayden says, "and Eva?" It's cute, but sad too. We miss you guys.
K sorry for the novel.
Good to hear things are better!
Hey Brook, I saw your blog address on facebook. One of my best friends is having a similar adventure :) Her husband had been in the US forever and the government said he just had to go to Mexico to get something or the other taken care of, and then he would be fine to stay in the US indefinitely. Once he got there, something went wrong and they wouldn't let him back in the country--he can't even try to come back for 10 years. She seems to be having good times in Mexico though :)
Hi there. You don't know me, but I'm the one that CarrieAnn just mentioned. We are in Puerto Penasco right now, but not sure that we are staying here. Actually I couldn't stop reading your blog. I can relate in so many ways, but I don't think I can express it like you do. Anyways, I would LOVE to talk to you sometime. My email is Shoot me a line sometime. We also have a webcam so maybe we can exchange info and help each other that way. Keep up the good blogging work and happy anniversary
Brooke, I just wanted to say we miss seeing you around. Happy 5 years!
My goodness Brooke, sounds like you've been through it all! Good luck to you and your family...sounds like you have the right attitude, or are very good at putting on a happy face.
Brook,my goodness. That is the most darling picture I've ever seen. Fat??? You both look Tan and Thin. I'm so glad you married Justino. Not only does he love you, he loves me too!! Most men don't want their mother in law to visit. Will Feb 7th ever come? I can't wait to squeeze those fat cheeks on my Sammy and Eva. My bags are packed and they are overweight with stuff for you guys!
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