Much has been floating around in my head the last few days, mostly a battle to keep my socks up about our current situation, but I feel a little like Eva did in this picture. I was sure that I had received personal revalation that we would receive a miracle concerning our case by the first week of October, ( General Conference for our church) but to no avail. The absence of such a miracle has prompted much thought on understanding the way the God answers prayers. I am continually taught the same lesson, that I think I learn, until it comes time to live what I have learned, and then I don't quite do it, and then God teaches me again. I have said before that I believe that our work here on earth is to learn to be in tune with our Father, and submit our will to His. I struggle to submit because I have my life perfectly planned out, and His plan keeps getting in the way. That God what a kidder.
In meantime, I am still hopeful to come home some day, and in the meantime hoping that we can settle down here a bit. Since February we have not had employment, and we have just been "hanging out" waiting for the US government to send us home. Although we have had some beautiful experiences beintg together ALL THE DAMN TIME, and serving in our church callings, this chapter is closing and we have to move on. For one thing we are almost out of money, and we need to feel settled. Limbo is a horrible place to live, and we have been there now for nine months. Tomorrow Justino has a job interview in the capitol city Veracruz, and we are hopeful that he will get it and we will relocate there. I am excited because there is a Costco there, and a Walmart, and a Sears and BOOK STORES!!!!!! Not to mention many fast food chains that I have missed deeply.
Justino has been painting houses for 130 pesos a day. That is $13 a day people. A nine hour day for $13 dollars, no wonder 8000 illegal immigrants a day go over the border. I think a large part of the problem for us is that we are in this LITTLE town. Charming as it may be, it is time to move on... Moving on is sad, when one is moving in a differnt direction that one hoped. I told Jusitno last night that I don't know where we will be, but I know we will be ok. I guess that is what God wants me to know, because that is all he is telling me at the moment. So I guess for now that will have to be enough.
1 comment:
I hope the new direction works out well for you!
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